Understanding the Importance of Dental X-Rays

Did you know that about 42% of Americans don’t see a dentist as often as they should?

Regular visits to the dentist are key to prevent dental disease, cavities, and other oral issues.

Dental x-rays are part of a well-rounded dental exam and are essential to the health of your mouth.

Read on to learn more about the importance of dental x-rays.

1. Keep Cavities in Check

If you’re guilty of having a sweet tooth and enjoyed cookies and candy a little too often, then you run the risk of developing those pesky cavities. Cavities are areas of your teeth that have a permanent hole or a small opening.

These develop due to constant bacteria accumulating on your teeth and lack of cleaning.

Catching cavities early on is key to preventing further damage to your teeth such as severe infections, toothache or tooth loss.

Luckily, frequent dental x-rays can help identify cavities early on before they progress.

2. Checks for Tumors and Cysts

Dental tumors and cysts are dental issues that people don’t hear much about. However, they can also affect your mouth and cause complications if left untreated.

Cysts cause inflammation on the tissue when fluid or other soft material builds up inside. If an infection happens, it will swell around your teeth causing discomfort.

A tumor, on the other hand, can affect your teeth and the bone surrounding it.

An x-ray will be able to determine if you have any of these conditions and your dentist can treat it.

3. Dentists Can Keep Track of Teeth Development

Before children hit the age of 13, they will have most of their adult teeth. Tracking teeth development is very important in children in order to prevent issues later on.

Dental x-rays are an essential part of yearly visits for children because it allows dentists to get a clear view of the jaw bone, teeth, and point out potential concerns.

X-rays can also identify if there are any delays with the teeth.

4. Spots Wisdom Teeth Early On

Wisdom teeth present a problem for most people since they usually grow out when the person is in their late teens or twenties.

Because they grow so late in life, most of the time they grow crooked and need to be removed.

X-rays can spot wisdom teeth coming in before they turn into an issue.

5. Helps Identify Bruxism

If you’ve ever been told you grind your teeth in your sleep, then you might suffer from bruxism. Most people who grind or clench their teeth suffer from discomfort or pain in their jaws.

An x-ray will be able to identify the level of damage to the teeth and jaws. A dentist might also recommend a nightguard.

Importance of Dental X-Rays: The Bottom Line

Now that you know the importance of dental x-rays, it’s time you make an appointment with your dentist.

By having regular dental x-rays your dentist can identify cavities, bruxism, wisdom teeth, and track teeth development.

To learn what are some signs you should call your dentist, check out this article.